Volunteer Projects in the State Park

Now that cooler weather is upon us, it is a good time for volunteer projects in the state park. Members are needed for a trail cleanup at the Environmental Learning Center on Saturday 11/18 from 10:00 to Noon. This project will be to prune vegetation threatening to overgrow the trails from the ELC to the Bache Monument, fishing dock and Spanish Mount.

Participants should dress appropriately for the weather with closed toe shoes. Sunscreen, insect repellant, gloves and water are recommended. If you have a favorite pair of pruners, you may bring them. Otherwise, tools will be provided. Trail cleanup projects involve moderate activity consisting of walking between 2 and 3 miles.

These trail cleanup projects are good opportunities to meet your fellow Frespace members and park staff. And are as much a social event as a work project.

If you are interested in helping, please contact me at frespaceprojects@gmail.com or text to 843-603-2261.
Want to help but you are not available for this project? No worries, several more projects are in the works before the end of the year.